What's Cooking?
Diva's teachers got more banana bread and butterscotch bars from the freezer for breakfast. The real cooking will be throughout the day as I get ready for our dinner guests tonight. I will attempt to take photos as I am cooking but that may or may not happen; it depends on how good the stuff looks. :)
So updates are to follow...
First there were the chocolate pots I made yesterday for our dessert tonight...
Then there was the ratatouille I made this morning in between hanging out laundry, setting the table, and dusting...

Photo is courtesy of my guest Veggie Gal who was a great sport in being the evening's photographer.
Thanks VG!
So updates are to follow...
First there were the chocolate pots I made yesterday for our dessert tonight...
Next, I will be assembling the ingredients for the Onion Tarte Tartin and getting that on the go. More pics to come...hopefully. :)
I am really glad I decided to work on the tart early on since I obviously hadn't read how long it was going to take from start to finish. Whew! That was a close one. While it was bubbling away on the stove, I was able to hang out more laundry, clean the bathrooms, season a cast iron skillet, wash the dogs, do more laundry, make the dressing for the rocket salad, write some more posts, do Abs of Steel, visit with a friend, dance around the house (no shame in that) and have a cup of coffee – or two. I can't take a picture yet since it has to be flipped just before serving.
Okay, so the tart wasn't very photogenic (it was yummy though) however the souffle cooperated so here it is in all its puffy glory with the arugula salad alongside.
Photo is courtesy of my guest Veggie Gal who was a great sport in being the evening's photographer.
Thanks VG!
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