Menu Plan 6/14
Part of being practical is having a plan but being able to be flexible within that plan if the need arises - last week, the need arose. Our good friends from university called Thursday afternoon and said they were coming for a visit Sunday. We all had a great time and the kids get along like a house on fire but I did no cooking while they were here.
That being said, we made it through 4 of the 6 recipes I had planned on trying last week from the Budget Buster Quick & Easy Feed Four or More for $10 or Less cookbook
. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at this book. The food was simple and didn't have many ingredients (as you would expect from a budget cookbook) but the recipes were very tasty. Budget Buster would make a great wedding or graduation gift since there is no prior food knowledge required. This book is a keeper and would be a great go to for using up pantry items or for a quick supper. If you want to see some pics of what was made look at last week's post.
Moving on.
Even though Diva is attending VBS all week and Engineer has summer classes, I am still going to try out recipes from Le Crueset's Mediterranean Cooking, whether anyone is here to eat them or not.
Monday - sandwiches
Tuesday - out to eat
Wednesday - Spaghetti w/ Grilled Peppers
Thursday - Courgette bake w/ Rice & Gazpacho
Friday - Sliced Chicken Breast w/ Olive Paste Sauce, Zucchini Pancakes (from the B. B. cookbook), & Lemon Scented Cake
This is brought to you in conjunction with Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.
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