Menu Plan Monday

How is 2011 treating you so far?  It was really nice to get back into the swing of things here.  We spent the day together as a family on Saturday which was lovely.  We even went to one of our favorite hangouts, Books-a-Million.  We all split up and headed to our chosen sections Engineer to Non-Fiction, Diva to Children's and Animals, and me to the 75% clearance table to pick up entertaining and cookery books.  We all thumbed through books for about an hour then had lunch together.  Ah bliss...

This week I am co-chairing a fundraiser tea for the Music Club so most of my week will be dedicated to last minute preparations and lots of baking.  I am also attending the Boys & Girls Club mentoring program and we are reinstating our weekly neighbor dinners (it's Supermom's turn.)  All in all it should be a fairly light week as far as my supper situation goes.

I told you last week that I was using the Rachel Ray 30 Minute Meals 1 & 2 cook books all month and so far, so good.  Engineer was not a huge fan of her greens recipe and didn't like the red bean salad because it was cold and had fresh parsley in it.  He took it to work with him anyway and after heating it in the microwave and picking out the parsley, he said it was actually pretty tasty.  All other recipes got pluses next to them.

Monday - Supreme Pizza Pasta Salad & Green Salad
Tuesday - Dinner with Neighbors
Wednesday - Cioppino (fish stew) & Salad
Thursday - Chili & Cornbread
Friday - Date Night

This is part of Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.


  1. Oooh, great looking menu! :) The pasta salad sounds intriguing! :)

  2. Hi Pary,
    Your menu and that Cioppino look so good. I would love to have you visit Full Plate Thursday. Thank you for sharing and you have a great week!

  3. BAM is one of our favorite hang outs too. I love to go peruse the magazines and cookbooks while enjoying a cup of joe.


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