I Don't Know What This Means for East Texas but...
Kroger has announced that it will NOT be doubling or tripling coupons anymore on a regular basis after April 13th in the greater Houston area Kroger stores. They do, however, reserve the right to bring it back for special promotions.
I am concerned by this because a. we aren't that far from Houston and could easily be affected if this spreads slightly northward and b. the only reason Brookshire's doubles or triples for us here in town is because we have a Kroger that does.
This could potentially be a huge damper on our shopping habits.
Kroger has said that they will continue some of their other programs like the generic prescription and $.10 off of gas (neither of which are particularly useful to me.)
To read the full coupon policy click here.
I would urge Kroger shoppers to write to the company and let them know your thoughts on the changes to the coupon policy.
In the past week, I have had phone calls, e-mails, and face time with a Kroger cashier all talking about not being able to stack e-coupons and paper coupons. Technically this should have never worked as they are both manufacturer coupons and their policy has stated that you couldn't. So yes, it is true, if you try to use both the cashier gets a message on the till that says that an e-coupon has already been used and it won't take the paper coupon. Usually the paper coupons are of a higher value so be careful when loading up those store cards now.
Thanks Becky for alerting us to this.
I am concerned by this because a. we aren't that far from Houston and could easily be affected if this spreads slightly northward and b. the only reason Brookshire's doubles or triples for us here in town is because we have a Kroger that does.
This could potentially be a huge damper on our shopping habits.
Kroger has said that they will continue some of their other programs like the generic prescription and $.10 off of gas (neither of which are particularly useful to me.)
To read the full coupon policy click here.
I would urge Kroger shoppers to write to the company and let them know your thoughts on the changes to the coupon policy.
In the past week, I have had phone calls, e-mails, and face time with a Kroger cashier all talking about not being able to stack e-coupons and paper coupons. Technically this should have never worked as they are both manufacturer coupons and their policy has stated that you couldn't. So yes, it is true, if you try to use both the cashier gets a message on the till that says that an e-coupon has already been used and it won't take the paper coupon. Usually the paper coupons are of a higher value so be careful when loading up those store cards now.
Thanks Becky for alerting us to this.
Hi! Here is a transcrit from a web chat done by an (Houston) area blogger with Kroger representatives. Thought you might want to look at it. It looks like they are testing out the no doubling in their market first.
Thanks Ms. Michelle!