What's Cooking?

Sometimes you have to make lemonade out of lemons.  Or in this case, ricotta out of yogurt.
I set out to make yogurt but I didn't let the milk cool enough before I whisked in the starter yogurt.  The next morning as I went to strain what I thought would be tangy yogurty goodness, I was instead greeted with clumpy curdled milk proteins.  Since I didn't really want to waste a whole crock pot full of dairy, I started straining them anyway and found that the clumps actually tasted nice and very much like ricotta. 

The ricotta worked really nicely in a chard lasagna that I threw together using chard that I had frozen from my own garden and CSA.

So next time a culinary project doesn't quite work out, think about how you could repurpose the end result.

This is part of Miz Helen's Full Plate Thursday.


  1. Hi Pary,
    That was a good save. I was smiling as I thought of many a time when I created something new from a recipe that failed. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you again real soon. Hope you are having a great week end!
    Miz Helen


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