Boost Your Budget Pantry Challenge Week 4

Here are our assets, challenges, and goals for this challenge.
We had an opera singer who teaches at Cambridge and her artist/gallery owner husband over for dinner Tuesday evening along with 8 other musician/artist types.
Mr. & Mrs. C. were visiting from London and after speaking with them I knew that we must get together and visit further. Pantry challenge food for a nice brunch for a bunch of ladies who love you anyway is completely different than a nice dinner party for 13 where the guests of honor you hardly know. Saying that, we made it through and everyone was fed.
We had Ham cooked in Coca-Cola, Warm Sweet Potato Salad (you have NO idea how many sweet potatoes I started out with at the beginning of this challenge) Kohl Rabi & Radish Slaw, Parsleyed Carrots & Turnips, Cranberry Chutney, and a gorgeous Chocolate & Walnut Torte that Mrs. C. brought.
Shopping report: I had some RRs to burn so I did do a little shopping at Walgreens this week with nothing out of pocket. Milk and a prescription were my only purchases...oh yeah, except for Chick-fil-A that I got on the road. Here are my results so far: I spent $21.22 this week which makes my total spending $60.99 or 60% of my budget. How are you doing with your challenge?
If you think that we will only be eating beans and rice for the month, think again - our menu plan for the week.
I am so pleased to be joining some talented bloggers Going Crazy Wanna Go?, The Frugalista Chick, , Matter of Cents, Coupon Pals, Thrifty Divas, Frugal Mom of Two, How About Free,, All The World Is Art, Sweeping The USA, Mommies Point of View, Mama's Money Tree, Crunchy Frugalista, Fab Find Foodie, Making Time For Mommy, Adventures in Coupons, Full Price? NEVER!, The Frugal Navy Wife, Generations of Savings, and A Savings WOW! in taking Shopper Strategy's "Boost Your Budget Pantry Challenge" during the month of January.
If you would like to join in or see how other folks are facing the pantry challenge, please click through the linkys.
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