Have You Taken the Challenge?

Remember a little while back when I mentioned the Purex "Let's Be Honest" videos?

Have you watched any of the videos yet?  They are quite cute (and about 20 seconds long) with my favorite one being about whatever is left in pockets goes to the vacation fund.

Here's the deal, I have three coupons for FREE bottles of Purex (which go great with a B1G1 sale at your favorite drug store). 

All you have to do is:
  1. Watch some videos either on the Purex website or on YouTube
  2. Leave me a comment telling me about your favorite (along with your e-mail address)
  3. For a bonus entry Like, Share, or Retweet about your favorite video and leave me a comment saying you have done so 
The three winners' names will be drawn from a fabulous hat at 2pm Central time today and notified via e-mail!  Contest is now closed and winners will be contacted via e-mail.  Thanks to all who entered.  :)  Congrats to Kimberly, Dawn, & Kathleen!

Yes, that's right, this is a short and sweet kinda giveaway.  What are you waiting for?!  Get to watchin' and commentin'.  :)


  1. My favorite is the Lost and Found Video - Thanks!

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  2. Tweeted:


    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  3. The Let's Be Honest Soda is my favorite. No I don't drink for the taste:) fiskfam5 at Hotmail.

  4. My favorite is the Current Events Video.
    dbriggle at hotmail dot com

  5. I "liked" the soda video on YouTube.

  6. I agree with you. Love the mom swiping the bill! Pick me! Pick me! kpherman26@gmail.com

  7. sarahestan@yahoo.com I agree Julie! Vacation fund sounds great!

  8. I like all of them - how's that for being politically correct?! seking56@yahoo.com

  9. The soda one was pretty cute, but I did love the vacation fund too!

  10. I liked the pop tarts for dinner video.


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