Perfectly Practical #117 - Taking Family Walks

This summer with Engineer being finished with school and Diva being out of school and a new-to-us puppy, we have taken more walks as a family. 

Personally, I love this time.  It gives the kid and the puppy a chance to get some energy out.  It gives Engineer and I time to exercise and it gives all of us a chance to breathe in the fresh air.

The benefits of walking go beyond those of just getting a body moving.  The more oxygen you take in, the more endorphins that are produced.  So everyone is in a better mood. 

I truly believe it is easier lots of times to discuss things while out walking where there are no distractions, than when just sitting on the couch or at a table.  Lots of times it is easier to discuss more sensitive topics while walking since you don't have to face one another.  That seems weird but it does help sometimes not to have to look into the eyes of someone with which you are discussing something uncomfortable.

My favorite aspect of a family walk though is just that, we are spending time as a family. 

This is part of Works for Me.


  1. We used to go walking at the park quite often...especially when I was pregnant with Evie. We need to start doing that again.

    1. When in England, we had a village park that was just down the hill and along the canal path from us. It was a super way to spend some time out walking...and burning off energy for a little person.

  2. You have it right on - talking about tough subjects is much easier when you're not looking across the table at the other person! Doing an activity together, like walking or laundry or dishes or gardening or basketball hoops helps kids open up about tough things, and that's such a wonderful habit to cultivate with your kids. :) Good job and keep up the good work!



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