Madly in Love

I adore Engineer.
You know that by now right?
And I feel like I am a fairly low-maintenance wife; I don't need total control in all circumstances every time forevermore.
Even still, I can be a little difficult hard to live with trying at times.

I have read the books:  The Surrendered Wife, Love & Respect, The Bible, etc., and am aware of how I should behave or react in situations; BUT, that doesn't mean that do so properly all the time.

In fact, occasionally as words are cascading from my mouth, my brain is saying, "Stop with the verbal vomit!  Just stop talking!"

I have explained this inner turmoil to Engineer and although he doesn't experience the same phenomenon, he genuinely tries to understand.

There are times when I actually interject whatever I am saying to him with a stern, "I realize that I am saying this and shouldn't but I can't stop myself."
>Shaking head< ...Tut....tut...tut...I still have so far to go.

Right now we have a couple of major decisions facing us which will heavily shape our lives for the foreseeable future.
Engineer and I are not completely in sync with how things should play out.
And even though I know that ultimately, we will go with whatever he thinks is right for our family, I'm just not ready to give in yet.  I even laid my cards on the table and told Engineer that very thing.  He kind of smirked.  Cheeky monkey.

Instead of getting angry or flustered or frustrated, he looked at me and said, "You are a strong woman."  Huh?
He went on to say how he appreciated my honesty and awareness and how I was actively trying to not let my feelings on this one issue negatively affect out lives or our marriage.  That he saw that I recognized an opportunity for growth in my character and that I was truly attempting to come around on my own without blaming him for being unsettled.

How can I continue to be annoyed when he diffuses the situation with reason and a compliment?
Well played sir.  Well played.

I so appreciate Engineer's patience with me.
In the end, he knows that I will follow his lead...even if it's with a bit of a pouty face at first.

1-4-3 EM and I'm sorry for not backing down yet...thank you for loving me anyway.  ;)


  1. I feel the same way about my husband. He is truly as saint for dealing with me sometimes. God truly blessed my world and knew what was best for me the day he brought J into my life.

    1. That is so sweet Ms. Stephanie. I'm sure your husband feels the same way about you...the blessing part...not the hard to deal with part. ;)

  2. As a hard-headed, independent gal, I'm thankful my Cro-Magnon Man always has my back...even when I'm wrong :)

  3. I think most wives can relate to this. And husbands who develop the patience of saints :) I can most relate to when you say "In the end, he knows that I will follow his lead...even if it's with a bit of a pouty face at first." Because it's true. That's usually how it goes with me too :)

  4. Oh girl! It's been an interesting journey in our marriage. I've been tasked with making most of the decisions in our home, so when he does try to exert his "manly" right to make a decision, I bristle. It's been a long road to compromise, and one that we are not done taking.

    1. Are we ever done with compromising Ms. Melissa? ;)

  5. That is so true. Sometimes marriage is 50/50 but most of the time it is 60/40 or 20/80 or anywhere in between. In any case, it's always best when someone remains calm in order to "diffuse" the situation. :)

  6. I feel like I'm reading an excerpt from my own journal! One year I bought my husband a t-shirt for his birthday that says, "Trust Me I'm an Engineer"... every so often I wish I hadn't given it to him, but I know I can always trust him!

    1. Engineer has that shirt too Ms. Sarah! How funny!

  7. ohhh man, I know this exact thing except it's in the reverse for me and my hubby. I'm more the one that leads in some situations and right now he is pushing my buttons on something and I'm trying very hard to stand my ground. So far so good but I know how you both feel bc I've been on both sides!!

    1. As long as one of us stays calm, usually situations get resolved faster around here. Good luck on resolving your situations. :)

  8. HELLO I just wanted to say thank you so much for doing this for me and many others. At the beginning of the break up I felt like I would never love again and that my life has ended. Thanks to all your advice, I now have the courage to face every new day. My heart has healed tremendously and I feel like I can now really move on. If it wasn’t for your words then I would probably still be in that dark place of my life. Thank you, thank you!”drlawrencespelltemple@hotmail. com


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