Madly in Love

Engineer and I took Diva to her favorite book store for her birthday. 

While she browsed the classics and young adult fiction, I moseyed over to the Christian section and that's where I was when Engineer caught up with me.

He saw that I had The Love Dare in my hands and asked, "What on earth are you doing with that?!" 

I explained that I realized that I was late to the party but thought it was an interesting concept and I wanted to read the book.

Engineer looked deep into my eyes and said, "But you don't need that book, I've got your love dare right here.  As in:  I dare you not to love me."

Maybe I should have looked for a book on humility as a Father's Day gift while I was there.

1-4-3 EM!  I accept your dare and double dog dare you to always love me back.


  1. LOVE that Love Dare book ... have used it with my clients ... and the good thing is you don't have to be in some kind of crisis to take the dare day by day.

    Good stuff, friend!

    1. That's exactly right Ms. Linda. We have a collection of books that we've read and taken to heart; they've made our good marriage better.

  2. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It is the book used in the film "Fireproof" which was so-so but so far the book has been interesting.

  3. I've never heard of the Love Dare Book but now I'm very intrigued. Off to the book store I go, I'm always on the look out for new books.

    1. It has been a fun project for me. Each day Engineer wonders what my dare was for the day. :)

  4. The Love Dare saved my marriage. It's a weird story because we still got divorced, but because of that book and a lot of God's grace we reconciled 6 months later. The book isn't really about your marriage. It's actually more about you and being honest with yourself in your own walk with God.

    1. That is an amazing story Ms. Christina! It's awesome how sometimes little things like a book from a movie can remind you to be intentional in your everyday dealings with your spouse. Blessings to you on many more years of wedded bliss Ms. Christina!

  5. I'll have to check it out! Thanks for sharing!

  6. We read this book during our pre marriage counseling & it was very nice. I read other books recommended by our counselor. I should get back to the Christian Book store, just because it always puts positivity in life.

    1. We've read some good ones and some not so good ones, both good and bad being suggested by fellow Christians. Reading about marriage does keep it on the forefront of your mind.

  7. LOVE IT! I have actually read that book, but your husband is priceless!


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