Madly in Love

Sleeping beauties Diva & Caspar in the car

Look at our little sleeping beauties up there.  Bless...

Diva had entrance testing at her new school so all six inhabitants of Beloved Bayou (three bipeds and three quadrupeds) packed up and made our way down to Houston.

Ever since our initial look-see of the area, school, office, etc., we have all been excited about our upcoming move.  Diva has been upbeat and open to everything to do with life near the coast; not just happy about it but downright eager.

But something gave her a twinge...

On the journey down, Diva started tearing up.  We asked what was the matter and she told us it had just hit her that we were moving.

Moving away from her friends.
Moving away from her family.
Moving away from her school.

It was this last one that really hit her hard.  She said that she liked her current school and didn't want to have to change again. 

I can't blame her.  She just changed schools when we moved last year and now she will be doing it all over again.

You Mommas know that when your child's heart hurts, yours does too - they are tethered together.  It took everything I had to steady myself and say positive things about her new school. 

The fact is, we don't know if it will be a good move for her.  All we can do is be hopeful and  to make the best decisions for our family.  No pressure or anything...

Luckily the sadness only lasted for about 5 minutes then we were talking about the local burger joint we wanted to try.

1-4-3 DM!  I appreciate that your heartaches are fleeting so that you can contemplate much more important things, like burgers.


  1. Yep, tethered is a good word. I still feel that way at times about my 2 daughters ... and they're in their mid-thirties!

    Here's to every detail working out for her ... and you.

    1. I feel it is a life-long tethering Ms. Linda. :)

  2. Replies
    1. But hopefully it will get easier. Right now it seems like time is standing still and racing by at the same time.

  3. Moving is tough but you can look forward to when everyone is settled in and enjoying your new home :)

    1. Ms. Pristine, you are the queen of moving I'm sure I can learn a lot from you.


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